Fabric PCBs reading

Garments have always been a way for society in general to express themselves, making every person wearing them unique in some sort of a way. This also could be said about technology, where every person gives a different approach, uses, context and/perspective to its use and structure, putting garments and technology together, it’s for me an interesting way to make these two different (or maybe not that different) worlds together, creating some sort of fashionable technology, making technology more personal as we usually do with our personal appearance.

“Artifacts that are at once intellectually challenging, aesthetically appealing, and personally meaningful.”

For me, the field of Electronic Textiles is a different way to conceive portability and how one become a part of any gadget we want to, making this artifact an extension to ourselves in a more obvious way.

It was really interesting all the tests the authors of this article made, considering every single aspect on the different field they’re working on: wearables and technology, how it has to work in both of them without any damage in the other one, creating a constant balance between them and pushing them forward to the point they both work on the author’s benefit.

It also helped me a little bit more to be less afraid of it, as a person who have never been working so close with circuits and wats and cables and batteries and all these components that for me, still are quite a mystery.

At the end, technology will keep evolving but also, it will be a part of it that will be grow closer to us and be more “do it yourself” type, letting us build different prototypes and discover new or different ways to communicate.


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